Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Custom Changing Pads

Happy undersea adventure

My dear friend Lisa McShane took one look at the changing options we had for little Baby Renoud and suggested some additional options. Though I am positive he won't have any blowouts (you know, the kind that go all the way up the back to his hairline), my experienced friends aren't so sure. Just to be on the safe side, I took Lisa's advice and went to JoAnnes to get some waterproof fabric (yes, they make rubberized fabric for regular people too - it's not just for watersports anymore). It's not so soft though so Amber (the brilliant Amber who made the 'Advice Book' for the baby showers) from work suggested soft flannel (and went to buy the flannel for me - love her!)

Another pattern

In a crazy "coming full circle" story, the gal that did all of my wedding dress alterations is making the new changing table pads for us (as per Lisa's dimension suggestions) and they should be ready for us this week (which is good, because the little guy makes his appearance next week!). 

1 comment:

Lisa McShane said...

Can't wait to see the new pads! I hope I have an opportunity to try those things out :)
