Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Night Before

We were absolutely excited about Jamisen's birthday on April 22, 2011. But we had one last little thing to do: we needed to drive 2 hours south to Boeing Museum of Flight to accept an award from the SBA for 'Best Businessperson in Washington State.' It was a huge honor, made slightly more incredible by the activity that would be taking place the next day!

SBA Awards 2011
Faiola Family + newest addition in Mama's belly
The Faiola Family was there in force and having their support and love, in person, was amazing. I felt cradled in a warm blanket of happiness all night with them beaming at me and Jameson moving his little feet inside me.

SBA Awards 2011
Jamisen, where are you?

My intention was to write a full blog about Jamisen's birthday but I am finding my eyes closing so will stop here and pick up after a short nap.


Tired, Euphoric New Mama


Tricia said...

Wow, what a busy week!!! Your family looks amazing, by the way, I haven't seen your mom and dad in years!! They look WONDERFUL! And you, of course, are just BEAMING. :) No doubt because of the new little one about to be born!! Congrats on the award, too! You are an amazing woman, A-M!

Anne-Marie said...

My family is absolutely amazing and they're doing great. I lead a blessed life, taught by my folks and supported by my sweet brother, sister in law and husband. We had a fantastic night and I'll be sure to pass your note along to them =)